
Jeff Bezos Speech @ Princeton Commencement 2010

2005年のStanfordでのSteve Jobsのスピーチも感動しましたが、今年のPrincetonのCommencementでのJeff Bezos(Amazon CEO)のスピーチを最近観て相当印象に残ったので、いくつか自分のためにもkey messagesをtake noteしたいと思います。

- It's hard to be kind than clever - cleverness is a gift and kindness is a choice
- Will you follow a dogma? Or will you be original?
- Will inertia be your guide? Or you follow your passion?
- You will be a cynic? Or you will be a builder?
- When you are 80 yrs old and in quite a moment of reflection, narrating only yourself of the most personal version of your life story, the telling the most compact and meaningful would be a series of choices you have made. In the end, we are our choices

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